

Our Students

我们严谨的学术课程辅以卓越的文化,培养解决问题等技能, creativity, and teamwork. 


Register for a SAGE account to post a job or sign-up for OCI at BC Law.



BC Law On-Campus Interview (OCI) Program (July 24-26, 2023)

Interviews will take place virtually from July 24-26, 2023. Through this program, 许多最大的律师事务所和政府雇主将对暑期和电子游戏正规平台生职位的2L和3L候选人进行虚拟面试. This program offers 100% employer selections (i.e. pre-screening) with flexible scheduling options. 

New York Recruitment Program (July 18, 2023)

电子游戏软件法学院和波士顿大学法学院为纽约大都会地区的公共和私营部门雇主举办了一个联合招聘项目. Interviews will take place virtually on Tuesday, July 18, 2022.

The Law Consortium (TLC) Regional Recruitment Programs (July 2023)

Through The Law Consortium (TLC), Boston College has partnered with five other national, 将我们优秀的21年级和31年级学生聚集在一起,与全国六个城市的雇主进行面试. 

Washington, DC: Monday, July 17, 2023

Chicago: Thursday, July 20, 2023

Philadelphia: Thursday, July 20, 2023

San Francisco: Friday, July 21, 2023

Miami: Friday, July 21, 2023

Los Angeles: Resume Collection

If you would like to participate in any of the above recruitment programs, please contact Emily Goldberg at emily.goldberg.2@ngskmc-eis.net or 617-552-1192. 

Small & Mid-Sized Firm On-Campus Recruitment (October 2023)

Participating law firms, typically with fewer than 100 attorneys, recruit 2L students for summer positions and 3L students for post-graduate positions. For more information or to register, please contact Emily Goldberg at emily.goldberg.2@ngskmc-eis.net or 617-552-1192.

Business Interview Days (BIDs) (February 2024)

Our Business Interview Days recruitment program provides employers who work in-house, in compliance, 或其他商业角色有机会面试我们的学生暑假或电子游戏正规平台生的机会. Registration will open in early January. 

马萨诸塞州法学院财团政府和公共利益招聘计划(2023年10月) & January 2024)

With the Massachusetts Law School Consortium我们在秋季和冬季赞助两个政府/公益招聘项目. Our students also participate in the Equal Justice Works Career Fair in Greater DC in the fall.

Video Conference Interviews By Request

如果您有迫切的招聘需求,我们很乐意协调视频会议面试. To register for a video conference interview schedule, please contact Emily Goldberg at emily.goldberg.2@ngskmc-eis.net or 617-552-1192.

Entry Level In-House Recruitment

A growing trend and smart solution to increased demands that legal departments face, a new lawyer can provide you with the support you need at a reasonable cost. BC法学院向感兴趣的学生提供机会,并在招聘过程中与您密切合作. 我们的常驻律师项目为应届毕业生和雇主匹配一年的任期. Employers set the compensation. For more information, please contact Doug Saphire, Director of Recruitment & Employer Outreach, Career Services at douglas.saphire@ngskmc-eis.net or 617-552-4345.

More: In-House Recruiting Flyer (PDF)

Judicial Clerkships

We publicize judicial clerkship and internship opportunities throughout the year. 法官可以参加校内招聘计划或通过电子邮件向我们的助理顾问发送职位空缺, Christopher Teague, Senior Associate Director, at teaguech@ngskmc-eis.net.

Resume Collection

Get more from your job posting by requesting a resume collection. CSO将收集和审查申请人,并根据您的具体招聘标准,根据我们的反馈,在确定的日期将他们转发给您. If requested, CSO可以代表您协调面试时间,或者您可以直接联系候选人进行面试. Please email us at law.career@ngskmc-eis.net to coordinate your resume collection.

Post a Job

Register for a SAGE account to post a job opportunity that can be viewed by current students and/or alumni. Alternatively, please feel free to email the details of your opportunity to law.career@ngskmc-eis.net.


To discuss your recruiting needs, please contact Doug Saphire, Director of Recruitment & Employer Outreach, Career Services at douglas.saphire@ngskmc-eis.net or 617-552-4345.

Get Involved

We welcome employers to participate in our 100+ career-related programs each year. Contact us to discuss upcoming opportunities.



Employer Recruiting Policies and Guidelines

Effective April 1, 2023
BC Law has adopted the NALP Principles for Fair and Ethical Recruitment for all recruitment activity with all employers, NALP members and non-NALP employers. BC Law students will be expected to adhere to NALP’s Principles for Candidates as well. Additionally, BC省法律制定了以下政策,适用于NALP成员雇主的招聘:

Timing of Offers and Decisions

Offers of Summer Employment to Second-Year Students 

  • 报价应在报价函发出之日起不少于14天的合理时间内有效
  • Employers are encouraged to grant reasonable requests for extensions where possible
  • 如果候选人积极寻求公共利益或政府雇主的职位,学生可以要求雇主将接受offer的截止日期延长到4月. Employers are encouraged to grant any such requests.

Full-Time Postgraduate Offers to Third-Year Students

  • For students previously employed by the employer, 电子游戏正规平台生永久就业的录取通知书应在录取通知书发出之日起不少于28天内有效.
  • For students not previously employed by the employer, 电子游戏正规平台生永久就业的录取通知书应在收到录取通知书后的14天内有效.
  • 如果候选人积极寻求公共利益或政府雇主的职位,学生可以要求雇主将接受offer的截止日期延长到4月. Employers are encouraged to grant any such requests.

Offers of Summer Employment to First-Year Students

  • 从录取通知书发出之日起,一年级学生暑期工作的录取通知书有效期不少于14天.

General Provisions


  • Abiding by the established response deadlines for candidate responses;
  • Avoiding conduct that subjects candidates to undue pressure to accept or decline offers of employment; and,
  • 避免任何可能对候选人做出独立和深思熟虑的决定的能力产生不利影响的活动.

Employers should honor all of their commitments, including:

  • Making good faith offers for employment in writing, with all terms clearly expressed; 
  • 给予已获延长录取的学生合理的延期申请;
  • Providing an updated offer, in writing, should modification occur; and
  • 如果有必要取消或修改录用通知,及时通知候选人和就业服务办公室, 然后与候选人合作,以减轻修改或撤销的影响. 


As recognized by the faculty, 波士顿大学法学院不会基于本录取通知书中所提及的身份而歧视任何人 statement of diversity and inclusion in admission to, access to, treatment in, or employment in its programs and activities. 波士顿大学法学院制定了政策和程序,以确保一个安全和非歧视的环境,并符合法律要求, including Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972. 所有使用就业服务办公室设施和服务的雇主都必须遵守这些政策和程序. Boston College Law School makes one exception to this policy. Under threat of loss of funding to the University resulting from the Solomon Amendment, the application of our anti-discrimination policy is suspended for military recruiters. 我们政策的这一例外并不反映我们接受或同意歧视性雇佣政策.

如果您有任何问题,请联系Doug sapphire,职业服务的临时助理院长 saphired@ngskmc-eis.net.



Douglas Saphire

Interim Assistant Dean


885 Centre St.
Newton Centre, MA 02459

2022 Entering Class




Median GPA


Students of Color


Colleges & Universities Represented


Top 50 Law Schools

Above the Law


Best Law Schools

U.S. News & World Report


'Go To' Schools for Hiring by the Largest Law Firms

National Law Journal


Best Professors  

Princeton Review


雇主们一致认为,BC法律专业的毕业生不仅仅是聪明,他们在工作中表现出了高水平的情商, including sound judgment, diligence, and a client-centered “can-do” approach.